Tools, resources, and other useful things

Facilitation tools, design tools, curation tools, business tools and productivity tools.

Here’s a very sneaky behind the scenes peek at all of the tools and tech that keeps 28 Thursdays ticking in the background. All tried and tested, with handy notes on what we like (and what we don’t), what we pay for (and what we don’t), and what’s worth the effort of setting up.


Top tech tools


Team User Manual

A guide to the most complex thing you’ll work with.

Humans are funny things aren’t they, and it’s those idiosyncrasies that make us interesting and fun. They’re also the things that can cause friction when working together. The user manual is a useful way of avoiding some of this tension by prompting a conversation about how people work.

It’s always a popular workshop activity, and is easy to run in your own team. Have everyone fill this in, and then bring it to your next meeting to discuss. You could even ‘interview’ each other with a couple of your favourite questions. If you do, drop me a note and let me know how it goes.


Bookclub in a box

If starting a work (or social) bookclub has been on your list for a while, but the effort of curating the list of books and discussion topics feels way too hard, this is for you.

In this download you’ll receive…

📚 12 book recommendations
📚 A set of discussion questions for each book
📚 A suggested calendar of reading for the year
📚 A DIY calendar option for you to decide your own order

I’ve used an honesty pricing model for this resource, based on how many people will be using it in your team / organisation. This is an attempt to make it accessible for different audiences, whilst also recognising the value when it’s used at larger scales.

If you’re not sure, or want to discuss something bespoke, get in touch: